Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Test Run

Today I took the girls to the mall. The mall with my very special store...Lush. Not only was there a Lush store, but they were having their AMAZING after Christmas Sale. I spent $150 on it last year. Now, do I need Lush? No. Do I need soap? Yes. Do I need expensive fancy soap? No. BUT... you knew there would be a but. It was on sale. Buy ONE get TWO free. I couldn't say no. We need soap and it was now cheap with the sale. So I bought ONE and I got TWO free. Plus I let the girls pick out a bath bomb each. Not needed, but it is not the 1st yet. LOL

However, I really did not break any of my rules. While we probably didn't need this specific soap or the bath bombs, I did not use my Credit Card. Yay me! I used some money I had that was not allocated for anything. I really really wanted to buy some of their Christmas Gift Boxes. Buy ONE get ONE Free. They had some great boxes. I had one in my hand, but I put it back. It was $60. I could have gotten another one for free, but we didn't NEED anything in it. The soaps really are sort of a need.

So, all that to say, not bad. I went into a Mall, bought a few things, but did not use my credit card. Good start!


  1. Good for you, Jamie! Baby steps, baby steps! :)

  2. I'd say that's a good start! I'm with you though...it's not the 1st yet...hahahahaha!

  3. Good job, Jamie!!! Its a great start!!

  4. Off to a good start - way to put the gift box down!
